All Quiet on the Western Front poster

All Quiet on the Western Front

Lead Actors: Daniel Brühl, Felix Kammerer, Albrecht Schuch, and Aaron Hilmer

Director: Edward Berger

Release Year: 2022

Runtime: 143 minutes

As I find myself watching the new crop of war movies over the last few years, I've come to resonate with the understated nature of their direction. The characters are conduits for the brutality and sense of hopelessness that the trenches of war deliver. This is not to take away from the actors, especially Krammerer, who is exceptional in displaying the naïvete and humanity of unknowing soldiers gone to war. I appreciate the humanization of the Germans and the allied forces alike, as those who die often are pawns in a greater scheme. The beauty of this film for me lies in the environmental construction on the cinematography. Wide-sweeping shots of often tranquil forests and quiet towns contrast perfectly with the chaotic blood-letting of the warfare. Despite this, I do feel the movie lacked slightly in its delivery. Although so many aspects of the film are excellently handled, the pacing left me disengaged at times, and I feel it left a bit on the table with its potential. Still a worthwhile watch for any fan of war movies.

Rating: 8.4/10