Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels poster

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

Lead Actors: Jason Flemyng, Jason Statham, Nick Moran, and Dexter Fletcher

Director: Guy Ritchie

Release Year: 1999

Runtime: 109 minutes

Hard to believe it took me this long to finally watch a Guy Ritchie movies, and this one delivered a very fun experience. I see influence from Tarantino (or on Tarantino?) with an ensemble cast of inept lunatics who drive the story through dialogue and eventual violent calamity. The whole movie builds this tension of 'when are all these stories coming together?', and when it finally happens, all hell breaks loose. One of the secondary highlights was the soundtrack, adding great emophasis with punk and late nineties rock that punches the viewer in the gut to match what is displayed on screen. I look forward to watching more Ritchie movies going forward.

Rating: 8.2/10