The Wrestler poster

The Wrestler

Lead Actors: Mickey Rourke, Marisa Tomei, and Evan Rachel Wood

Director: Darren Aranofsky

Release Year: 2008

Runtime: 110 minutes

A candid and sad look at the plight of many Americans looking for direction and purpose in a world that seeks to leave them behind. Mickey Rourke is incredible in this role at showing the existential pain of the divide between Randy the man and 'The Ram'. As age and abuse on his body threaten his ability to stay in the ring, we watch his struggle with adapting to the real world and reconciling with aspects of his past and present he could continually neglect at 'The Ram'. Sad, often unreedeming, but strikingly real and heartfelt. Aronofsky knocked it out of the park.

Rating: 8.4/10